Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine April, 2020 Volume # 3, Issue # 4 | Page 5
Would you like to write a different genre
or sub-genre than you do now?
RAC: I currently write in two subgenres—historical and
contemporary suspense. I love my historicals,
every one of them. My contemporary series takes
place in a small Rhode Island coastal town. Some-
times my characters from one story meet or have a
part in another story. I enjoy writing these stories.
What song would best describe your life?
RAC: Throw Mama from the Train sung by Patti Page. I
know, it‟s an oldy; however, if you speak to my
kids there are times that‟s exactly what they‟d like
to do!
Can you describe the funniest thing that
ever happened to you?
I was on my may to meet up with my
writing friends. Alone in the car on the 45 minute
drive I was trying to work out a plot problem in
the book I was writing. My hero, who usually
“talks” to me was saying nothing. The heroine was
a chatter box, but him, nothing. He argued with
me. I had to have the last word.
I saw a police car behind me and didn‟t think any-
thing of it. I pulled over a lane. So did he. That‟s
when he put his lights on. I pulled over. He asked
what I was doing. I hesitated. He moved closer to
the car, actually leaned in the passenger side win-
dow. I told him the truth. The guy in the seat next
to me and I were arguing.
The seat next to me was
definitely vacant. I explained that I
was an author. The end of the story
is he gave me a written warning. Be-
fore he left he looked at the vacant
passenger seat and said, “I suggest
you tell your hero here” (he nodded
at the empty passenger seat) “that he
be a good passenger, be quiet, and
just listen to you until you get where
you‟re going.”
MFRW: Tell us about the
scariest thing that ever
happened to you.
RAC: 9/11. My office was
across from the World
Trade Center. My of-
fice faced the East
River (opposite the
towers). When the
first building started to
come down, my first question was in what direc-
tion was it falling?
MFRW: Do you have a favorite comment or question
from a reader?
There are two comments that make my heart
sing. 1: “I couldn‟t put your book down until I
read the last word!” 2: “I felt I was right there
with them.”
MFRW: If I were a first-time reader of your books,
which one would you recommend I start with and
RAC: My first question would be historical or contem-
porary? If you like historicals I would recommend
The Guardian’s Witch . In order to save the
man she loves from being executed for treason
and prevent being married off to another, Lady
Lisbeth Reynolds, must make a crucial decision.
Dare she rely on her
knight, Lord Alex Stel-
ton, to find a way to
save them both or
does she trust her
magic and risk expo-
sure as a witch? For a
contemporary story, I
would recommend
Happily Ever After .
The story is about a
romance author and
her soul mate.