Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine April, 2018 Volume # 1, Issue # 4 | Page 5

BARBARA WHITE DAILLE (Cont.) INTERVIEW MFRW: BWD: MFRW: BWD: What about your family? Do they know not to bother you when you are writing, or are there constant interruptions? Are they, especially your significant other, supportive of your work? My husband‟s my biggest supporter. He does sometimes interrupt when I‟m writing—after I look up from the computer. That way I get to finish inputting whatever‟s in my head onto the screen! What do you do to relax and recharge your batteries? Number one is read, usually with a cup of tea and something chocolate nearby. MFRW: BWD: MFRW: BWD: MFRW: BWD: 5 What is your secret guilty pleasure? Lately, it‟s been binge-watching episodes of The Big Bang Theory and reruns of Law & Order. What can we expect from you in the fu- ture? I‟m working on two more books in my Hitching Post Hotel series from Harle- quin, which will be published with Har- lequin Heartwarm- ing. And I‟m also writing another title in the Snowflake Valley series from Entangled Bliss. After you‟ve written your book and it‟s been published, do you ever read it? Yes, I do. Going back to the story feels like a visit with old friends.