Marketing ChitChatChimp Review and Premium $14,700 Bonus | Page 2

YOUR READER : " More on list building would be great "
BOT : " Thanks for letting me know . You might like free report about list building ( URL )"
Thanks to ChitChatChimp review , not only do you know what your readers are most interested in , but the next time someone responds that they want more on ' list building ' your bot can instantly direct them to other posts , landing pages to grow your list and even paid offers relevant to their needs -
And at the same time you are increasing the levels of engagement and the value you provide to your visitors you are also monetize responses with links to paid products , affiliate offers or lead magnets to grow your list with .
If your visitors asks about a topic and you don ' t have any resources to recommend then it will revert to the fall back response and thank them for their feedback .
" Thanks I ' ll pass that information on "
If up to now you ' ve been using survey forms or polls to gather market research then I ' m guessing the light bulb just went off over your head about how much MORE POWERFUL Chit Chat Chimp is ( and why it needs to be on your blogs and websites like yesterday )
Chit Chat Chimp is a web based , intelligent chat bot builder developed to help users to create their own affordable chat bots in just minutes with ZERO CODING required .
The platform is powerful and highly flexible which means users can create any kind of bot – Bots to better support their customers , maximize engagement and drive higher sales conversions , gather feedback , even tutorial bots that can train their customers and visitors how to do specific tasks . All while saving the bot owner considerable time and expense !
Chit Chat Chimp doesn ' t rely on messenger apps or integration with expensive 3rd party services to function . It ' s affordable and you can build then add a new bot to any website within minutes .
Your bots won ' t get tired , they won ' t arrive late at the office and they ' ll never call in sick . And they are amazingly flexible ( how you train your bots and what you teach them to do is up to you !)
You can build bots that will : � Help potential buyers make a buying decision .