� for your listing and Amazon sponsored ad campaigns . We ' ll also discuss off Amazon traffic methods as well . Module 5 - How to get reviews on Amazon : In the fifth video they ' ll cover how to get reviews for your product on Amazon with 3 core strategies . Reviews are incredibly important for conversions and the higher your listing converts the more keywords you can rank for and more sales you ' ll generate . Module 6 - How to scale your from one product to many : In the sixth module they ' ll be discussing high level strategies for taking your business from one product and scaling to multiple products . You ' ll also learn why you should stick to the same category you first start selling in , why you need to reinvest your profits if you want to really grow your business and more strategies for long term success . Module 7 - Customer Q & A - December 2016 : In the seventh module they ' ll be hosting a customer Q & A so that you can ask questions and learn more about selling on Amazon .
Bonus 2 : Amazon Affiliate Training Course
As an added bonus you will also get the popular Amazon affiliate marketing crash course . They have recently updated our training course and content showing you everything from how to research , to choosing products , getting traffic , everything , with powerful and effective content !
You can watch each video online or download them to your computer . �
Module 1 - How To Research An Amazon Niche : You ' ll learn about the most important aspect of Amazon affiliate marketing which will lay the groundwork that determines your success or failure with these websites . Even if you ' re an experienced marketer you should definitely watch this video . Module 2 - How to setup an Amazon website : You ' ll learn how to configure and set up your Amazon sites using the free WordPress platform . Plus , see exactly how to setup these sites for massive free traffic for earning the highest affiliate commissions . Module 3 – Should you build niche or authority websites : In this video you ’ ll learn the pros and cons to building a lot of smaller income generating niche