MARKETING AFRICA MAL 18/17 mal 18:17 online | Page 84

LEADERSHIP EMPLOYEE DIVERSITY By Dr. Kellen Kiambati D iversity in the workplace means bringing together people of different ethnic backgrounds, religions and age groups into a cohesive and productive unit. Advances in communication technology, such as the Internet and cellular phones, have made the marketplace a more global concept. In order to survive, a company needs to be able to manage and utilize its diverse workplace effectively. Managing diversity in the workplace should be a part of the culture of the entire organization. Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. Diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more. Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others. Those perceptions affect their interactions. For a wide assortment of employees to function effectively as an organization, human resource professionals need to deal effectively with issues such as communication, adaptability and change. Diversity will increase significantly in the coming years. Successful organizations recognize the need for immediate action ‘‘ Organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands. ’’ 82 MAL 18/17 ISSUE and are ready and willing to spend resources on managing diversity in the workplace now. Reasons for Managing Diversity The changes in the employee market suggest most employers will need to develop their recruitment and retention strategies to achieve their organizational goals. The changes in the domestic and global market suggest that companies need to understand diversity to succeed in their business and meet their customers’ needs Valuing diversity creates an environment where everyone is respected and valued for their contributions to the organization`s success Key Components of a Successful Diversity Initiative • Executive level commitment partnering with HR and championing this kind of change initiative is critical to its credibility and long-term success.