Marketing Advices to Get Free Ads and Gain Exposure for Business Marketing Advices to Get Free Ads and Gain Exposur | Page 3

2 . Use your telephone When you have new idea, test it upon telephone before you commit to any costly promotions. 100 Phone calls would be similar to almost 1000 mails you send, also you will get faster results, it would also cost you less and at the same time, you will generate tons of feedback and input. 3 . Create surveys and analyze Mail a survey and ask your customers about what is it that motivates them to make a purchase. Ask about where do they work and what sort of magazines do they most often read. What age group do they belong. The information you get would tell you how and where you can reach your targets. You can also offer some sort of discount or gift for completing your survey. 4 . Use Double Folded approach You can also offer information related to those businesses as a compliment to your potential customers. You can do this by offering a fact sheet to their customers which shows how much expertise you hold. When you get good response, add them to your mailing list and make sure you mail them often. You can also send them happy birthday greeting cards and mail them greeting cards to your customers about different occasions. You can also include a coupon and also include special offer and tell them about the service or product that you give as the gift. [ Must Read :- ]