Market World Molecular Scissors Genome Editing Market Size | Page 2

Technology Insights Several technologies such as TALENs/MegaTALs, ZFN, and CRISPR are the latest technologies which are applicable in the genome editing field. Other methods such as Jump-In, Flp-In, PiggyBac, and antisense are applicable for genome engineering. The largest portion was accounted by CRISPR and is anticipated to rule the industry over the forecast period. Upcoming advancements in this segment is expected to support in the projected growth in the coming years. Delivery Method Insights The largest share was accounted by the ex-vivo procedure as DNA modification can be controlled easily by this method of delivery. Additionally, the duration and strength of nuclease expression can be controlled to abate off-targeting excision and maximize efficacy. CAR-t tool which is applicable in the treatment of blood cancer as ex-vivo product is highlighted in the pipeline of therapeutic molecular scissors. Moreover, several diseases need an in-vivo method of treatment since some particular cells cannot be eliminated from the body. Browse Full Research Report @ Application Insights The largest market share was accounted by gene therapy and stem cell therapy and is expected to maintain its dominance in the coming years. Application of innovative technology for the development of novel molecules that can eradicate infectious diseases and hematological malignancies are anticipated to promote the approval of this technology over the forecast period. End-use Insights The largest share was attributed by biotechnology organizations as an enormous amount of research is undergoing for development of innovative therapeutics by virtue of molecular scissors. The fastest growth is accounted by government and academic research institutes in the coming years as the adoption rate is increasing for genome engineering technology. Moreover, improvement in genome engineering techniques is expected to quicken its application in research schemes by the government.