Further classification by application comprises Anti-fingerprint coverings for ophthalmic exteriors for example displays
and dashboards, Hydrophobic and Olephobic precision optics, Encapsulation of dampness- and oxygen-profound
electronics, for example OLED [Organic Light Emitting Device] lighting and displays, flexible electronics, photovoltaics,
and quantum dot films, Semiconductor/semiconductor packaging and Printed circuit board, Internal surfaces, Anti-
blotch and non-stick stainless steel constituents, Coverings for domestic machines and exteriors to avoid mold, combat
microbes and hide thumbprints.
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Classification also includes by Consumer products (Anti-blotch coverings for spectacles), Textiles (Tint resilient cloths,
Water-resistant fabrics and leather), Medical and healthcare (Anti-bacterial coverings for usage in hospitals where the
possible spread of microbial contaminations generates a threat, and Biocidal hydrophobic coverings), Aerospace:
Window sheets in aircraft and Ice hold blockades, Automotive and transportation (Easy-to-clean and self-cleaning
actions for automobile wheel rims, headlights and windscreens., Anti-tint and self-cleaning fabrics in communal
transportation, self-cleaning and the Anti- fogging glasses), Marine (Bio-entangling deterrence over excellent
repellent, greasy exteriors, Anti- frosting coverings on ship constructions), Plastics (Plastic by means of excellent
possessions – meteorological conditions resilient and hydrophobic).The division of the international Hydrophobic Glass
Market on the source of Area by means of sales intake, profits, market stake and development percentage of
Hydrophobic Glass spans U.S., Europe, India, Japan, China, and Southeast Asia.
The statement revises trades in terms of intake of Hydrophobic Glass in the international market, particularly in the
area of U.S., Europe, India, Japan, China, and Southeast Asia. It concentrates on topmost companies in these areas and
the nations. It takes in to account the transactions, price, proceeds and market stake for each competitor in these
areas. Some of the important companies operating in the Hydrophobic Glass Market on the international basis are
SICONG, SCHOTT, Fuyao, Aculon, NanoTech Coatings, Nanex and Balco Nano.
Market Segment:
This report studies Hydrophobic Glass in Global market, especially in USA, China, Europe, Japan, India and Southeast
Asia, focuses on top players in these regions/countries, with sales, price, revenue and market share for each player
in these regions, covering
• Nanex
• Aculon
• BalcoNano
• NanoTech Coatings