Market Studies 1Consumer Lifestyles in Portugal

Consumer Lifestyles in Portugal has announced the addition of the “Health and Wellness in Argentina” this report provides an Health and Wellness in Argentina report tracks the developments of health-associated product types and the healthy-option positioning of competing brands across different food sectors. Report Highlights Euromonitor's Consumer Lifestyles in Portugal report analyses factors influencing national consumer expenditure. Consumer lifestyles reports include coverage of: population, urban development, home ownership, household profiles, labour, income, consumer and family expenditure, health, education, eating habits, drinking habits, shopping habits, personal grooming, clothing, leisure habits, savings and investments, media, communication, transport and travel and tourism. Use this report to understand the factors influencing a nation's lifestyle choices.. For more information about this report at portugal Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data. Request a sample copy at Major points form the report - Get a detailed picture of the Consumer Lifestyles market; - Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; - Understand the competitive environment, the market's major players and leading brands; - Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop. Sources Lifestyles in Portugal Chart 1 Consumer Lifestyles in 2017 Top Five Consumer Trends Consumer Confidence Up Despite Demonetisation Portugaln Consumers Go Cashless Internet Retailing Continues To Grow Record Breaking Consumer Demand for Renewable Energy Greater Internet Access, Faster Speeds Lead To Exploding Demand for Streaming Services Consumer Segmentation Babies and Infants Chart 2 Number of Babies and Infants (Aged 0-2) and Average Age at Childbirth Ask for Discount at LIST OF CONTENTS AND TABLES Attitudes Towards Social Media and Networking Chart 21 Daily Social Activities on Computer vs. Mobile Phone: 2016 Grooming and Appearances Investing in Yourself: Female Personal Grooming and Hygiene Chart 22 Consumer Expenditure By Men and Women and Daily Time Spent on Grooming Activities by Women Investing in Yourself: Male Personal Grooming and Hygiene