Market Revenue Advanced Battery Technologies Market Growth Rate | Page 2

Developmental large and advanced battery technologies systems market include sodium sulfur batteries, high- temperature lithium batteries, redox and flow batteries, Nickel-Iron batteries, Calcium Metal sulphide batteries, sodium-chloride batteries and lithium sulfur batteries. Future prospects with presence in the high-growth areas represent a potentially augmented market for the advanced battery technologies. New variants of advanced batteries have been ushered in the market including nickel-metal hydride and zinc-air prototypes. Microelectronic charger technology and battery charger control technology and clean room technology have brought into focus, a new breed of batteries belonging to lithium- ion and lithium polymer jeopardizing future prospects for Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) and portable lead acid batteries. Browse Full Research Report @ Advanced batteries are a notch higher than traditional batteries with limited applications and a sea of opportunities exists for advanced battery technology market. With state-of-the art inventions such as lithium phosphate, sodium phosphate and sodium sulphur labeled as the new lithium-ion compositions, the current crop of lithium-ion designs are biting dust. Giant sodium sulfur batteries are being commissioned by electric utilities. 2008 and 2009 saw recessionary forces including lower gasoline prices that abruptly ceased the growth of nickel metal battery-powered Hybrid Electric vehicles (HEV’s) with Chrysler and GM throwing in the towel. Key industry players include GS Yuasa Corp, Johnson Control Inc, LG Chem Ltd, Panasonic Corp, Samsung SDI Co Ltd and Sanyo Electric Co Ltd., ABSL power solutions Ltd and Advanced Battery Systems Inc., ALcad Ltd, all power battery Ltd, American Electric power, Antique Auto Battery, Anzode Inc, Apple Inc, Applied Power Inc, Arotech Corp, Hong Kong High Power Technology Ltd, Concorde Battery Corp, Covalent associates Inc, Magna International Inc and Atlantic Battery Co Ltd. See More Reports of this Category by Million Insights @