Revenue share from vitrified tiles accounted for ~ % of the market share by value . These tiles have better resistance to damage as they are less brittle compared to ceramic tiles . This ensures higher durability over a longer duration without being subjected to damage thus minimizing repair and replacement cost . Revenue share from ceramic tiles accounted for ~ % of the market share by value . The lower share in value terms is in account of being less expensive .
By Organized / Unorganized Segment :
Revenue share for unorganized players accounted for ~ % of the market share by value . The price differential created by the unorganized players attracts price sensitive customers providing a higher revenue share by offering products at a lower cost . Revenue share for organized players accounted for ~ % of the market share by value . They offer products at a higher cost thus have lower revenue shares as they fail to attract customers that are price sensitive .
By Region :
The Western region has the highest share in the tile industry with ~ % market on basis of revenue in FY ’ 2017 . High demand was on account of the region being is highly industrialized , with a large urban population . The southern region had the second highest share with ~ % of India tile market on account of an increase in urbanization in states including Tamil Nadu , Kerala and others which enable the growth of tiles market in the region . The northern region comprising of states such as Delhi and Punjab a very saturated market thus comprises of a lower share of ~ % in the India tiles market as compared to the southern and the western region . The share of the eastern region in the tile industry was the lowest with only ~ % in comparison to the northern , southern and western region on account of less urbanization in the region due to low infrastructural and industrial growth .
Export Import Scenario
Total exports of ceramic tiles increased by more than eight times from INR ~ crore in FY ’ 2012 to INR ~ crore in FY ’ 2017 registering a five year CAGR of ~% in the period . Exports of vitrified tiles increased by more than 20 times in the period FY ’ 2012-2017 , registering a five year CAGR of ~%. Middle Eastern countries were the major export destinations for tile manufactured in India . Imports of both vitrified and ceramic tiles have shown random demand in terms of value and are dependent to a large extent on the customs and rules regarding import . China was the major import destination for India from where majority of the demand of tile especially those of low value was met .
Competitive Landscape