Market Research Reports - Ken Research Catering Services Market in Middle East

Qatar Catering Services Market Overview to 2021: Ken Research The Qatar catering services has grown from USD ~ million in 2011 to USD ~ million in 2016 at a CAGR of ~%. This growth was majorly driven by the industrial and hospitality sector which are the largest end users of catering services contributing ~% and ~% respectively in the revenue share in 2016. The government of Qatar has initiated major infrastructure reforms under Qatar National Vision 2030 in various sectors of the economy such as transport network, education, healthcare, hotels and others which further created opportunities for catering services market as the number of labor camps increased. Such labor camps require catering services at their site for the workers and management at standard quality and low price. The education and healthcare sector together contributed ~% in the revenue share of catering services market in 2016. Qatar attracted over ~ million tourists in 2016 for business and leisure purpose. Investment in tourism sector has also been increasing to accommodate the rising number of tourists further supported by the upcoming World Cup 2022 in Qatar which is expected to see over ~ visitors. Qatar is dominated by expatriates in the construction and corporate sector. Catering services witness major demand from this segment of the population. Moreover, expatriates as they come from different parts of the world, demand fusion cuisine and variety of options for their meals. As the Qatar economy developed with the implementation of Qatar National Vision 2030, a large number of construction activities picked up pace during 2016. The catering services benefitted from growing demand from such construction sites as they required catering services for the laborers and management. Catering services saw increasing demand from the hospitality sector for marriages and corporate events. The number of marriages in Qatar increased from ~ in 2014 to ~ in 2016. The Qatar wedding catering market also increased from USD ~ million in 2014 to USD ~ million in 2016 The catering industry also saw increasing use of technology and modern methods of production which include online ordering apps, vehicle tracking systems and inventory management platform. This helped in increasing the efficiency of various processes by minimizing wastage and reducing cost of production involved in the catering business. Major players in the Qatar catering service industry are Newrest Gulf, Qatar Aircraft Catering Company and IFS Qatar. How Have The Different Segments in The Qatar Catering Service Market Performed? The contract catering market have accounted for ~% of the total Qatar catering services market while non contractual catering have acquired ~% of the market in 2016. Only marriages in