Market Research Reports - Ken Research Bejo seed sale in US, US Seed Market | Page 2

receipts (USD 3.2 billion or 7.6%) in 2017 underscore a reduction in quantity sold which is more than offsetting increase in soybean prices. Receipts from Rice are estimated to decline by 4.5% in 2017 which will reflect a reduced average commodity price and quantities sold. The expected growth of USD 2.2 billion or 37.2 % in 2017 cotton receipts will be underscore by a large growth in the quantity of upland cotton sold. The US is the foremost adopter of GM traits and has the largest number of traits used per hectare. It is anticipated in the coming years, the seed industry will witness the acquisition of some of the private seed companies specialized in 1-2 hybrid crop variants by companies that have invested heavily in the research and development of biotechnology traits. These acquisitions are anticipated in vegetable and fruit seed market. Key Topics Covered in the Report Agricultural Farm Income in US United States Seed Competition Commercial Seed Sales in United States US Cotton Seed Market Average Farm Size in US US Seed Market US Seed Market Overview US Seed Industry Economics Farm Holding Structure in US Cash Receipt US Soybean Syngenta Sale seed in US Soybean Seed Export US US Fruits and Vegetable Seed Consumption Genetically Modified Seed Market US Monsanto Market Share US Seed Industry For more information on the market research report please refer to the below link: