Market Research Reports - Ken Research 3PL Companies in Indonesia, Damco Market Share | Page 4
perishable products and fast delivery will raise both express logistics and cold chain market
leading to increase in Indonesia logistics and warehouse market.
Freight forwarding services will increase at a five year CAGR of 9.2% during 2016 to 2021 and is
expected to be the major contributor of the logistics market in future. This incline in the freight
forwarding market is expected due to the government plans of increasing the number of ports,
airports, highways and rail road. Warehousing segment will increase at a five year CAGR of 2.5%
during 2016 to 2021 due to further investment by the government in development of logistics
infrastructure. In addition to this, expanding e-commerce and manufacturing industry in the
country will also positively impact the size of the warehousing industry. Fully equipped
warehouses with modern technologies will drive the future growth of the warehousing market
in the country.
Key Topics Covered in the Report:
Indonesia Logistics Market
Logistic Cost in Indonesia
Sea Freight Forwarding Market
Air Freight Forwarding Industry
Revenue Growth Agility Freight Forwarding
Market Share Logistics Players Indonesia
Logistics Flow Corridors Indonesia
Express Delivery Market Indonesia
Warehousing Industry Revenue Indonesia
Logistics Growth Indonesia
Trends in E-commerce Logistics Indonesia
Cold Chain Market Indonesia
Cold Storage Industry Indonesia
3PL Logistics Market Indonesia
Third Party Logistics Market Indonesia