Market Research Reports Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) | Page 4

Chapter : 3 MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1 Market Definition and Scope 3.2 Key Findings 3.2.1 Top Impacting Factors 3.2.2 Top Investment Pockets 3.3 Porters Five Force Analysis 3.4 Drivers 3.4.1 Growing Number of patients undergoing Chemotherapy 3.4.2 Growing research and development efforts in order to discover a universal antiemetic therapy 3.4.3 Introduction of novel delivery methods to improve patient compliance . 3.4.4 Advancements in technology to discover new potential drug targets 3.5 Restrains 3.5.1 Increasing side effects of CINV drugs 3.5.2 High cost associated with the new drug discovery and in developing regions . 3.6 Opportunities 3.6.1 Efficacy of combination therapy is expected to improve . 3.6.2 Improved quality of life for patients with cancer . 3.7 Market Trends
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