Market Research Report Vietnam Seafood Market Report 2017 | Page 3

Table of Content: 1. Vietnam Country Snapshot 1.1 GDP & Economic Growth 1.2 Demographics 1.3 Economic Sectors Overview 2. VietnamSeafood Market 2.1 Overview 2.2 Market Statistics& Performance 2.2.1 Production 2.2.2 Exports - United States, European Union, China, Japan 2.3 Market Drivers 2.4 Challenges 2.5 Outlook 3. List of Charts and Graphs 3.1 Vietnam GDP (2006-2015, USD billion) 3.2 Vietnam Total Population (million, 2004-2016) 3.3 Vietnam Share of Economic Sectors in the GDP (2014, %) 3.4 Vietnam Distribution of GDP across economic sectors (%, 2005 to 2015) 3.5 Production of Seafood in Vietnam from 2005 to 2015 (in million tons) 3.6 Vietnam Seafood Export (USD Billion, 2013-2017E) 3.7 Vietnam Seafood Exports Value by Countries (USD million, March 2015)