Market Research Report UK Insurance industry Regulations,UK insurance ind
Government regulations to help personal indemnity and D&O
insurance market of UK : Ken Research
The UK has a low mortality and birth rate which implies like all the other
developed nations it has a slow population growth. The nation has
almost cent percent literacy rate and this is attributed to universal public
education system introduced in 1870 . The number of people above 65
years is significantly high. Majority of the people live in the urban areas
but the rate of urbanization currently is steady. The net immigration rate
is very high and this was one of the major reasons for Brexit.
The biggest factor that is said to influence UK’s economy is the Brexit
vote. However , contrary to popular predictions that UK economy would
be in a deep trouble after the Brexit vote , the growth of the nation has
been slow as before. It is not that it has been completely unaffected by
the referendum. As the value of pound Sterling fell , the fiscal deficit has
risen. The sudden drop in the value of pound has given rise to many
complications. Ken Research in its analysis says, the import costs have
shot up and doing global business has become expensive. This vote also
led to a tiff between tesco and its biggest supplier, Unilever . Unilever
wanted to increase prices in the UK to compensate for drop in value.
This led Tesco to temporarily stopping sale of its most famous brands -
including Marmite - to online shoppers.