Market Research Report Store Global Marine Power (Wave and Tidal) Market by Man

Market Research Report Store adds " Global Marine Power (Wave and Tidal) Market by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2022 "to its research database.The Report consists of players, geography,type and application.The research analysts also provide an elaborate description of sales, market share,revenue,growth rate and forecast until 2022. Description The report analyzed in depth the two main types of ocean energy conversion technologies and the key activities undertaken to ensure and facilitate their commercialization. The year 2015 represented a significant milestone for the sector from a policy standpoint, with the publication of the Blue Energy Communication, the establishment of the Ocean Energy Forum and the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy (TIP). The announcement of the awards for the second NER 300 call has seen the number of ocean energy arrays expected to be deployed in European waters by 2018 or earlier rising to five. On the other hand, forecasts of expected ocean energy capacity by 2020 have been further reduced, due to the slow technological progress of the sector and difficulties in attracting funds and financing. The slow growth of the sector and delays in the formation of the market have forced key developers and OEMs to either downsize or withdraw their interest in developing ocean energy technology. Figure Global Wave Energy Installed Capacity Status in 2015 Figure Global Tidal Energy Installed Capacity Status in 2015