Market Research Report Oats Market - Top Players Eyeing to Penetrate Into | Page 2

Oats are a widely used grain traded internationally , and predominantly used as animal feed , cosmetics and consumer food . Whole oats , oat groats , steel-cut oats , rolled oats , instant oats and oat flour , are consumed as food . The rolled oats ( consumed by humans ) account for major part of the crop . However , majority of the produced oats is used as animal feed ( 95 % in the United States and 70 % in Germany ), while cosmetics constitute a minute fraction of oats consumption .
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Oats are best grown in moderate climates owing to their requirement of low heat and greater tolerance to rain compared to the other cereals . These annual plant crops can be planted in autumn ( for late summer harvest ) or in spring ( for early autumn harvest ).
Top ten oats producing countries are Russia , Canada , Poland , Finland , Australia , United States , Spain , United Kingdom , Sweden , and Germany . The global production of oats in 2013 was 20.73 million metric tons . The output by the five major producers accounted for 51 % of the global output . The United States , Germany and Mexico are the major consumers and importers of oats globally ; the United States accounts for more than half of the market demand . Nevertheless , in 2014-15 , the countries of European Union emerged as the major consumers of oats , globally . Russia is the largest producer of the crop , though it supplies only for its domestic consumption . Canada and Finland are the main exporters with a combined share of 70 %. However , countries like Czech Republic and Sweden have emerged as the fastest growing exporters during the last five years . In the holistic trade scenario , Canada dominates the global market and the United States is the major trade partner for Canadian oats .
The health benefits from oats and oat products have increased the demand for oats on health and wellness grounds . The European Union has approved several health claims about oats , which led to an increasing demand in the region . As per Statistics Canada ( STC ), the total area under oats cultivation in Canada is expected to decline by 10.9 % from the 2015 level of 3.337 million acres . The oats cultivating area in the United States is slated to decline by 5 % on low returns . Imports to Japan saw a surge of 14 % in 2015 , while remaining in broader downtrend . In case of imports , both raw oats and oat products are experiencing a static growth in the United States market . Finland significantly strengthened its position in the global trade over the last five years . In the price front , the increase of prices in 2008 apparently improved the producersâ € ™ margin , which is now in a declining phase .
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Global oats yields have been growing continuously despite the decline in breeding activities in North America and the European region . Privately-financed breeding activities have been limited , while domestic breeding activities turned out economically sound in the European countries . Additionally , in many producing countries , the use of certified oat seeds is limited . Strong environmental variation affects the breeding of higher and more stable oat grain . The issues related to finance and higher number of field trials have been deterring the efforts of oats seed breeding . With the application of
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