website , email , mobile , internet booking engine , social media and online travel agents . On the other hand , offline distribution channels consist of retail travel agents , franchise offices of tour operators and handling agents .
The global online tour operator market is expected to grow at a healthy rate during the forecast period ( 2017-2021 ). The growth is expected on account of many factors , such as an increase in disposable income , increasing international inbound and outbound tourism and aging demography .
However , the market also faces some challenges , which includes increase in the number of terror attacks , heavy taxes imposed on the tour operators and seasonality dependence . Digital travel , evolution of eco-tourism and rise of adventure tourism are some of the latest trends in the global online tour operator market .
Browse Complete Report @ http :// www . orbisresearch . com / reports / index / global-online-touroperator-marketsize-trends-and-forecasts-2017-2021 .
Some points from TOC : 1 . Executive Summary
2 . Introduction 2.1 Introduction to Global Tourism Industry 2 2 . Tour Operator : An Overview 2.3 Role of Tour Operator in the Tourism Industry 2.4 Types of Tour Operators 2.5 Tour Operator Market Distribution Channels
3 . Global Market Analysis 3.1 Global Online Tour Operator Market by Value 3.2 Global Online Tour Operator Market by Volume 3.3 Global Online Tour Operator Market Penetration Rate 3.4 Global Average Revenue per User in Online Tour Operator Market 3.5 Global Online Tour Operator Market by Countries
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