Market Research Report Netherlands insurance industry research,Europe ins | Page 2

A period of severe summer storms in the Netherlands, which brought high winds, torrential rain and large hail to the region, is expected to result in more than EUR500m of insurance industry losses, with reinsurance capital expected to take a major share. Insurance losses from damage to residential property, automobiles is estimated at EUR325m, 40% of which is related to homes, while EUR175m is largely from agricultural businesses, but the commercial toll is expected to rise further. This is certainly not a major loss for the industry, in the overall scheme of things, but when added to severe weather in France, Germany and other European areas, the losses will be taking their toll on some reinsurers with a focus on Europe. With reinsurance rates extremely low in Europe for property catastrophe cover, ILS participation is likely to be low, as often the returns do not meet their targets. Growth in the Dutch reinsurance segment was variable, and affected by demand trends in the insurance industry. The Netherland’s reinsurance segment contains both domestic and foreign reinsurers. The segment is not highly competitive such as the non-life and life segment. Solvency II law, implemented on January 1, 2016, was a basic reform of capital adequacy requirements and risk management. It has created a level playing field across European insurers, improved protection offered to policyholders and enhanced transparency and quality of public disclosure. Reinsurance providers in the Netherlands initially covered only commercial and industrial risks. Insurers such as Nationale- Nederlanden, the Dutch unit of NN Group NV, and Aegon have recently begun analyzing risk models, and have put forward proposals to cover flood-affected properties. Effective from April 1, 2015, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions. Authority (EIOPA) issued guidelines on the application of outward reinsurance arrangements to the non-life catastrophe risks. Most of the reinsurance companies operate from Switzerland, Germany,Bermuda and regional financial hubs from London,Singapore, Dubai,Malaysia,Russia. ING Re (Netherlands) NV, ABN AMRO Captive NV, Achmea Reinsurance Company NV, Unive Her NV, Rabo Herverzekeringsmaatschappij NV, Global Re NV, Nationale-Nederlanden and Metro Reinsurance NV are leading reinsurance providers. Topics Covered in The Report  Reinsurance in the Netherlands Market Research Report