increase in demand for labels . Besides this the increase in demand for beer and other alcoholic beverages is one of the major growth drivers for the industry .
The growing demand for flexible packaging and pouches which do not use pressure sensitive labels is a major challenge for the pressure sensitive labels . Moreover the price for various raw materials like paper , film and ink used for making labels has increased and this leads to a decrease in the profit margins of the label manufacturers .
Browse Complete Report @ http :// www . orbisresearch . com / reports / index / global-pressure-sensitivelabel-market-trends-and-opportunities-2015-2019 .
Some points from table of contents :
1 . Executive Summary 2 . Introduction : Labels and their Types 3 . Pressure Sensitive Labels : An Overview
4 . End Market Users : Pressure sensitive Labels 4.1 Food and Beverages Industry 4.2 Electronics Industry 4.3 Automotive Industry 4.4 Pharmaceuticals Industry
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