Market Research Report Baby Food in Singapore Forecast Report

Baby Food in Singapore Forecast to Rise From 13.3kg in 2014 to 16.0kg in 2020 Market Research Hub has recently announced the addition of a new report to it broad database titled as “ Baby Food in Singapore ”. “ Baby Food in Singapore ” is a new report by ERC that analyzes the Baby Food industry demand prospects in Singapore , key segments , features & developments , future projections based on various trends .

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This report also examines trends which are currently affecting the industry . Furthermore , it profiles various companies in the Baby Food industry in Singapore along with the foreign trade involving the Baby Food industry .
Key Findings
� The Singapore market is small in terms of total size , but highly developed in terms of per capita consumption of baby food . As such , fluctuations in the number of births have a clear effect on sales . Increases in birth numbers in 2012 and 2014 boosted overall volume sales , despite a gradual reduction in per capita consumption .
� Almost 90 % of the market in value terms consists of baby milks , with the bulk of the remainder split between baby meals / drinks and baby cereals . The share of baby milks has been declining