Market Research Report Adult Mouth Care in New Zealand-Ken Research | Page 2
According to Ken Research Report “ Adult Mouth Care in New Zealand ”, New Zealand’s
adult mouth care remains an important sector, predominantly for the country’s
ageing population with symptoms of dry mouth. All the youngsters in New
Zealand enjoy state-funded dental care until their eighteenth birthday. It was
observed that after the eighteenth birthday youngsters were not funded for oral
health that led them to decline their oral health.
According to the study conducted by Ken Research, cost is a barrier for adults
because dental care is unaffordable for some communities. Research also
reveals that a sensible diet and brushing teeth can give long term dental health
benefits. Government funding on oral care has more than doubled the (GDP)
Gross Domestic Product. The non-demographic factors play a major role in
terms of health segment than the demographic factor.
The overall growth in 2016 was stronger due to the country’s floating economy
and hike in prices. The public prospect of the health system increased as
technology developed with various oral care treatment options that are
Every year in New Zealand, a day is set aside to provide free dental care to all
the citizens of the country and the day is called as a Lumino Day. This year
Lumino Day was held on May 7 th 2017. On this day, more than 150 dentists
gave free dental treatment worth $150,000 to 400 families in New Zealand.
New Zealand government in 1938 established Health Act where oral health care
was actually a part of public health but it was not affordable at that time. The
government on the other hand has taken measures to promote oral health care in
adults from an early age.
Subsidised dental care was a traditional measure by the government of New
Zealand; therefore, a new dental care policy would soon be released.
Topics covered in the Report
Adult mouth care industry New Zealand
New Zealand oral care industry research
New Zealand oral care market size
Dental care market New Zealand
New Zealand toothbrush market analysis
New Zealand oral care market trends
New Zealand oral care market future outlook
New Zealand oral care major players