Market Research Report 2015 Global Carbon Fiber Industry | Page 3

The factors leading to increased interest in the carbon fiber market include demand for more fuel efficient vehicles , structural & performance advantages , continuous emergence of novel applications , and increased demand from emerging economies . However , the market ’ s potential is somewhat hindered by high price of carbon fiber , insufficient production capacity , processing difficulties , and lack of automation . In spite of this , there is a huge opportunity for existing & new carbon fiber producers .
Although , the adoption rate of carbon fiber is increasing , mass-market adoption will not be achieved until a few major challenges are addressed . These challenges are : high cost of production , the gap between the supply and demand , and uneven competition . Carbon fiber continues to do very well in aerospace , consumer and industrial sector , with a number of application-specific capabilities . Carbon fiber finds its application in large number of industries for example wind energy , oil and gas , automotive , civil infrastructure and tooling etc . Aerospace and defense is the top contributor of the carbon fiber market and together held more than 50 % of the carbon fiber market in 2013 . This growth is attributed to their wide application area . The advantages of carbon fiber make it a very attractive market for investment .
Request a sample of this report @ http :// www . orbisresearch . com / contacts / request-sample / 185295 . Some points from TOC : 1 . Executive Summary
2 . Carbon Fiber : An Introduction 2.1 History and Evolution 2.2 Classification 2.2.1Classification by Raw Material 2.2.2 Classification by Mechanical Properties 2.3 Techniques 2.4 Areas of Application 2.5 Advantages 2.6 Disadvantages
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