market is very attractive and profitable and the large players are including this segment in their business mix to gain revenues .
In the few past years , the number of companies offering child day care services has grown globally , due to rising demand for child day care services and the industry ’ s low barriers to entry . Increasing mergers and acquisitions among major players have led to a gradual shift toward large establishments . This acquisition trend has temporarily slowed as a result of the slow economic recovery . However , companies such as Bright Horizons Family Solutions , Goodstart Early Learning , JP Holdings and G8 Education are expected to expand their global presence quickly over the next few years .
Browse Complete Report @ http :// www . orbisresearch . com / reports / index / global-child-day-careservice-market-trends-and-opportunities-2014-2019 .
Some points from TOC : 1 . Executive Summary
2 . Introduction : child Day Care Services 2.1 Child Day Care Services 2.2 Types of Child Day Care Services 2.2.1 On the Bases of Profit Non-Profit Daycare Profit Daycare 2.2.2 On the Bases of Service 2.3 History 2.4 Type of Child Day Care Services Pathways
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