Market Research Analysis Solar Back Sheet Market Supplier, Competition 2025 | Page 2

development initiatives being undertaken by several research institutes, has contributed to the growth in installed capacity. The global back sheet industry is growing at a fast pace, supported by strong growth in the solar PV industry in several nations including Germany, Italy, China and the U.S. The high growth of the market for PV back sheets can be attributed to the growth of the Asia-Pacific market. The Euro zone crisis had a negative impact on the European solar PV market, with solar back sheet revenues declined globally in 2012. However, the global market has recovered from 2012 onwards, owing to the solar power growth plans of a number of Asia-Pacific countries. With emerging markets such as India, China, the Republic of Korea, Canada, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Greece and Bulgaria increasing their presence in the PV market and it is expected that the market will recover to reach estimated revenues over the forecast period. Get a Sample Copy of This Report @ The key application segment for solar PV market was utility segment in 2014 followed by non- residential and residential segments. Changing consumer preference for renewable energy electricity generation on account of environmental protection is anticipated to augment growth of solar PV market. Rising consumer awareness towards environmental protection is projected to result in the improvement of reduced carbon emission and sustainable energy which is likely to augment solar PV market growth. Moreover, increasing electricity generation efficiency of modules, technological advancements and lesser installation cost on account of subsidies is expected to fuel market growth over the forecast period. The non-residential sector is expected to witness a sluggish growth rate owing to incentive reduction post 2016. Geographically, the solar back sheet industry is segmented into North America, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, and Europe. The U.S. Dominates the North American PV back sheets Market. PV back sheet installed capacity in North America increased substantially over the recent past owing to the increase usage of solar as a backup power. Financial incentives provided by utility, state and federal programs are the major drivers for the PV back sheet market in North America. The key players dominating the market for solar back sheet industry include KREMPEL, DUNMORE, TOYO Aluminium, and Madico, while other significant players include Isovoltaic, Coveme and Jolywood. The German company KREMPEL is currently the global leader in the area of back sheet manufacturing. The company supplies its produce to major module manufacturers. This report covers each aspect of the global market for solar back sheet, beginning from the basic market information and progressing further to several significant criteria, based on which, the solar back sheet is segmented. Key application areas of solar back sheet are also evaluated on the basis of their performance. The solar back sheet industrial chain, prevailing policies, and rules & regulations are studied in this report. The report also assesses the