The entire transformer, consisting of a set of insulating paper and coil windings is encapsulated with a thermosetting
resin to ensure the environmental protection (especially against moisture and dust) to remove the air in the
transformer which can conduct electricity and heat, and to provide resistance. The encapsulating material is also called
an impregnating resin (as impregnating the insulating paper) or a secondary insulation.
Insulating varnish and impregnating resins are almost always thermosetting resins such as epoxy or phenolic resins.
These materials crosslink when applied and are therefore inherently strong, stable, waterproof and durable. Insulating
varnish and impregnating resins must be superior electrical insulation with long life. If these products are becoming
electrically degraded or conductive such that electricity can flow through the transformer, wire or other electrical
equipment in the surrounding area, a system failure, and damage will likely occur. Standards play an essential role in
the design, production, and distribution of products for both domestic and international commerce. Sound engineering
standards benefit the user and the manufacturer, improving security, bringing about savings in the product,
eliminating misunderstandings between the manufacturer and the purchaser, and help the purchaser inselecting and
obtaining a product suitable for his specific need.
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NEMA devotes much of his time, effort, and resources to the voluntary standardization activities. The NEMA standards
are available and recommended for become American National Standards according to the procedures of the
American National Standards Institute, usually in prospecting method. This decision belongs to the subdivision or
relevant individual subdivisions. NEMA standards are often subject to review as the IEC components or references. It
is the intention of the association to continue to support these, and many other activities that the best way to continue
to provide sound and safe electrical products for the use of all. Government Affairs The working NEMA resulted in
contributions to public policy development and the promotion of competitiveness, technological progress, and public
safety. On government business members of the home page can search and federal officials e-mail to transmit opinions
on energy policy and other issues related to electro industry. NEMA Government Affairs provides specific services to
its members and information in the areas of environment, health and safety; Energy; and International Trade.
The Global Report and Chinese Insulating Varnish Industry is a thorough and professional study on the present state
of the global industry Electrical Insulating Varnish with a focus on the Chinese situation. The report provides an
overview of the market, including classifications, definitions, structure of the industry chain and applications. Electrical
Insulating Varnish analysis of the state of the paper industry is available to research on industry trends. Policies and
development plans are discussed and manufacturing processes and cost structures analyzed. Electrical Insulating
Varnish industry consumption of import / export, the figures for demand and supply, cost price and gross margin
production value are provided. The report focuses on the main actors of the industry players providing information
such as production capacity, product image and specifications, price, cost, contact information and the value of
production. Raw materials and downstream equipment and analysis of the upstream request are also performed.
Electrical Insulating Varnish developing marketing channels in the paper industry and trends are analyzed. Finally, the
viability of new investment projects is evaluated and the general conclusions of the research