Market Report Soil Moisture Monitoring System | Page 102
Global @@@@ Market Research Report 2017
9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and
Downstream Buyers
9.1 Soil Moisture Monitoring System Industrial Chain
Figure Soil Moisture Monitoring System Industrial Chain Analysis
Source: Experts Interview, Secondary Sources and QYR Equipment Research Center, May 2017
9.2 Upstream Raw Materials Sourcing
Raw Materials are important component, occupying for the most proportion of cost. It’s important
and necessary to attach importance to raw materials sourcing.
In general, the raw materials need to outsourcing, and the price, on-time rate and quality are very
key indicators, to keep competitive market position, to maximize the profit.
Actually, the price, on-time rate or quality, is just one of key factors to influence on the supply
capacity and competitiveness. The lowest total production cost is the total index to maximize the
To a producer, can control the total production cost through worldwide procurement, localization
procurement and concentrative purchase, more purchasing focuses on fewer suppliers to
large-scale purchase, to large-scale and high efficiency. Now the logistics and information is
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