Carry out regular safety audits to promote a preventative approach to safety and
health management. Any conduct that is found to be a violation of safety rules
must be appropriately penalised.
Ensure that compliance of the Industrial Code of Practice is continuously
enforced, as implemented by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health
Initiative (DOSH): Industry,
2.2 • Hazardous areas clearly marked with signs and safety reminders DOSH, NIOSH
• Up-to-date records of all hazardous spaces within the shipyard • Risk assessments completed prior to performing work in hazardous areas • Work in hazardous areas limited to employees with valid permits or H H
certifications issued by DOSH only
Collaborate with external safety auditors annually to identify any unsafe practices.
Evaluate the quality of internal safety training provided to employees to ensure
that it meets global standards of safety, such as ISO certifications.
Highlight the benefits of attaining the highest levels of safety certifications from
global agencies (e.g. Bureau Veritas, ClassNK). This is to demonstrate the return
Environmental Scan – Maritime (Shipbuilding and Ship Repair -SBSR) Sector