Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report | Page 18

Source: MIGHT Apart from that, some local graduates may also perceive the SBSR sector negatively, that it offers unexciting career development and challenging nature of work. To a certain extent, the SBSR sector does not have an attractive image due to certain activities at shipyards like welding, piping and electrical works. However, the sector does require many high-technology and innovation-driven positions like naval architecture and marine engineering, especially as more advanced and complex vessels are sought after. 11 The TVET system in Malaysia is also deemed incapable of producing graduates who meet the requirements of the sector. This could be due to the low awareness and low number of incentives provided to TVET institutions and shipyards to attract and develop local talent. There might also be a lack of coordination between the public and private sector to produce highly skilled SBSR employees. A key fundamental that would need to be in place to ensure the growth of the SBSR sector is a good supply of talent. The sector continues to face the key challenge in securing adequate 11 News article Environmental Scan – Maritime (Shipbuilding and Ship Repair -SBSR) Sector 14