Marina Joseline Chavez Vega (Teaching Practice I) joseline | Page 30

ONLINE EDUCATION / TRADITIONAL EDUCATION ONLINE EDUCATION IS BECOMING MORE THAN A CHEAPER OR LESS TIME-CONSUMING ALTERNATIVE TO TRADITIONAL EDUCATION TRADITIONAL EDUCATION ONLINE EDUCATION (PROS –CONS) (PROS –CONS) • PROS § Convenience and Flexibility. § More Marketable Skills and Job Focus. § Learning Digital Skills in a Digital Space. § It Keeps Up with the Times. § The Savings Reflection CONS • Online education empowers people who are self-directed and motivated but can be lonely compared to traditional education. Ultimately, it comes down to your goals and preferences. § The Experience. § The Network. § People Will Recognize Your Degree. Provides Facilities Necessary for Certain Studies and Activities. Some Careers and Professions Generally Require a Degree. § § PROS CONS § It’s Insanely Expensive § t Does Not Always Save You from Underemployment. § t Might Not Give You the Skills You Need Going to a virtual school has also improved my relationships and comfort with people of all ages but have their weaknesses.