Marin Arts & Culture MAC_Dec_Jan_2017-18_UPLOAD | Page 3

arts culture H appy Holidays! Can you believe that 2017 is coming to an end? What a crazy Written for Marinites year. Like many, art is where I go for solace. And boy, do I need it these days. Written for Marinites I think we all do, yes? and their friends who love the arts and their friends who love arts Whether your go-to for comfort is the theatre, or music, or dance the or any of the artforms … MarinArts&Culture is a place to get away from the drama unfolding on the national and world stage, every minute of every day. Are you thinking about New Year’s resolutions? I need a jumpstart. I have a general idea of what I wish to accomplish, both as a person and for this lovely passion of mine, MarinArts&Culture. As I get closer to December 31 st , I’ll commit these on paper and tape them to my desktop for the new year. Meantime, I’m looking for inspiration. Everything I ever would want to know is google-able. Here are some thoughts that appealed or amused me. “May this be the year where you sense the small still voice within and learn to trust this intuition.” —Soren Lauritzen “The future will be better tomorrow” —Dan Quayle Meredith Griffin, Founder Publisher Meredith and Griffin, Founder and Publisher “As the year comes to a close, it is a time for reflection – a time to release old thoughts and beliefs and forgive old hurts. Whatever has happened in the past year, the New Year brings fresh beginnings. Exciting new experiences and relationships await. Let us be thankful for the blessings of the past and the promise of the future.” – Peggy Toney Horton “My New Year’s resolution list usually starts with the desire to lose between 10 and 3,000 pounds. —Nia Vardalos “ I made no resolutions for New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.” —Anais Nin “I will not chase that stick unless I actually see it leave his hand.” —Lassie “I used to have this toy, a magic slate. You wrote or drew on it and then, just by pulling up the plastic cover, everything you did disappeared and you could start anew. Maybe everyone feels that on New Year’s Eve: They can pull up the magic sheet and rewrite their lives.” – V.C. Andrews “Life goes by so very fast, my dears, and taking the time to reflect, even once a year, slows things down. We zoom past so many seconds, minutes, hours, killing them with the frantic way we live that it’s important we take at least this one collective sigh and stop, take stock, and acknowledge our place in time before diving back into the melee. Midnight on New Year’s Eve is a unique kind of magic where, for just a moment, the past and the future exist at once in the present. Whether we are aware of it or not, as we countdown together to it, we’re sharing the burden of our history and committing to the promise of tomorrow.” – Hillary DePiano 4 MARIN ARTS & CULTURE Happy Holidays. We here at MarinArts&Culture wish all good things for you. And as 4 MARIN ARTS & CULTURE a special treat, we dedicate this song for all who have or wish more love in their life. 3 Marin Arts & Culture