In early 2011 Professor Matthew H. Edney, Osher Professor
the Boston Public Library, the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
in the History of Cartography at the University of Southern
at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota, the Osher
Maine and Director of the History of Cartography Project here
Map Library at the University of Southern Maine in Portland, the
at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, approached me about
American Geographical Society Library at University of Wisconsin–
collaborating with the Chazen on an exhibition of historical
Milwaukee, the Wisconsin Historical Society, the Cartography
maps. Although I was very interested in bringing a discipline
Lab and the Arthur H. Robinson Map Library in the Department
to our audiences that is normally outside of the museum’s
of Geography at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and the
circle of activities, there was no one at the Chazen with the
Department of Special Collections at the Memorial Library at the
expertise to curate such an exhibition. Could we identify an
University of Wisconsin–Madison.
appropriate person? Again thanks to the efforts of Professor
Support for this exhibition was provided by the Chazen
Museum of Art Council and the Wisconsin Arts Board
at the Research Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences
with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National
at the Spanish National Research Council was appointed David
Endowment for the Arts, the UW–Madison Institute for
Woodward Memorial Fellow in the History of Cartography
Research in the Humanities and the History of Cartography
in 2012-2013. This generous fellowship, which was created to
Project. Dr. Sáenz-López’s research was made possible thanks
provide scholars with an opportunity to research and write on a
Edney, Dr. Sandra Sáenz-López Pérez, Postdoctoral Researcher
to Arthur and Janet Holzheimer.
subject related to the history of cartography using the resources
Finally, I must acknowledge the hard work and contributions by
and academic communities available through the Institute for
various museum staff members, for all such projects are the result
Research in the Humanities and the History of Cartography
of team effort. Foremost, Mary Ann Fitzgerald, our exhibitions ()Aɽ