March Issue 2014 March Issue 2014 | Page 38
38 ... His Heart Scribe Inspirations -- March / April 2014
(Continued from page 32-The Apostle’s Corner)
noid mind.
Their answer to everything is that people
should flee, rather than stand - One consistent facet to the false end-times prophet
is that it's always better "somewhere else."
God isn't in one place, but always somewhere else, lurking and hiding. The
American ones think you need to go to
Europe, the European ones think you
need to go to Canada, the African ones
think you need to go to the United States,
and so on. Last time I checked, God encourages His people to "stand" - not to run
off in fear. Trust me, the world is so interdependent, if something happens in one
area, it will affect the rest...or different
things will happen somewhere else. Running off and separating yourself from the
Body is not the answer, it just makes you
more of a target.
They don't know the first thing about
proper signs of prophecy, the prophetic,
and prophetic interpretation - Your little
doomsday prophet might have an arsenal
of "the end is near"paraphernalia, but they
won't have the first clue of what your
dream means or of how to intercede before God. They've never had a vision of
their own. They don't understand the
point of prophecy or the way prophets understood time (chronos vs. karios and
how those times affect prophetic interpretation). I recognize we all have different
gifts, but prophets should have prophetic
gifts - that's a part of being a prophet. If
someone does nothing prophetic, I may
be going out on a limb here, but they
aren't a prophet. Much of end times
prophecy is symbolic, which means it is
only interpreted by revelation and it is not
literal. If a so-called prophet doesn't understand symbolism, they are not qualified to interpret end time events. Also,
people, Bible prophecy was not meant to
be interpreted as it is plugged into news
headlines, so be very cautious when that is
a "prophet's" approach...because such is
not prophetic! It's easy to think a prophecy is answered in a current event, but
prophecy is much deeper than that - especially given the same prophecies are
plugged into headlines over and over with
no new revelation on anything else for
If you have encountered one such as
these, I encourage you to do as God has
spoken: to stand. Do not be afraid. He has
placed you here in this time for a reason,
and it is not to feel like Chicken Little. End the endless research and chasing,
and seek His face for your purpose in this
life. Allow God to lead you to people who
aren't afraid and teach you about empowerment rather than terror. Most of all,
have people you can trust in your life who
can help you sort stuff out when you just
aren't sure about it yourself. Chicken Little spread her misery around, as misery
loves company. Such a pessimistic outlook is truly not Biblical and not the one
God desires us to have. Be wise.
© 2014 Lee Ann B. Marino. All rights reserved.