32 ... His Heart Scribe Inspirations -- March / April 2014
(Continued from page 18-The Apostle’s Corner)
preachers on television who don't
have the first clue of what they are
talking about, and internet videos
and data - and promote that information rather than their own. If we
see the work of Biblical prophets, all
of them had a specific mandate and
word to deliver to the people. It wasn't someone else's and it wasn't
vague. Just saying they are called to
"wake people up" or they have a
mandate to "get people to pray"
doesn't fit the prophetic. Sure, prayer is great and waking up is great,
but the end result of waking people
up is repentance, not fear, and the
end result of prayer is relationship
with God - not paranoia.
They create paranoia - God tells us
not to be afraid, and give no thought
to tomorrow. This means we are not
to do the following: flee our countries, become doomsday preppers,
stockpile groceries that will expire
long before anything ever happens,
stop watching television, stop eating,
create our own arsenals, or generally
act like a bunch of basket cases while
we "wait" for someone's "prophecy"
to come true. If you pay careful attention to all of this paranoid fever,
everyone's paranoia trap is different. Some think nuclear holocaust is
coming, others think the power grid
will go down, others think China is
going to take over the United States,
some think the dollar will lose its
value...and so on, and so forth. People! If stuff happens, you can be as
ready as you like, but having stockpile s of stuff will just make you more
of a target when "whoever" comes
after you. Being afraid doesn't mean
you are prepared, it means you are
afraid. God does not want these
thoughts, fears, and concepts to consume us as believers. You don't have
more faith if you are paranoid, you
are just fearful.
They feel that what they have to say
is so relevant, they oppose anyone
who just doesn't want to hear it - I
can't count the number of people
who have blocked or deleted me because they sent me something, were
insistent and rude about it, and got
angry when I flat out told them I was
not going to discuss their fearmongering with them anymore. I
don't listen to it anymore because
I've heard enough of it and I don't
feel that any of it proves anything. And I am not saying that as
someone who is ignorant to matters. I was studying about the Illuminati, secret societies, and new
world order up at night, in the dark,
when nobody - and I mean nobody else was talking about it. I don't deny these things, but I also know that
sitting around, fearful and conjuring,
isn't going to stop the realities about
them. I also feel that we have taken
these things so far out of control and
context that the information circulating now tends to be inaccurate. It
doesn't make me not an apostle because I don't want to watch yet another video on the same, stupid
things that don't even make sense. But
when someone can't even be respectful
enough to stop talking or change the subject - that's a sign of a one-tracked, para(Continued on page 38)