March Issue 2014 March Issue 2014 | Page 3

3 ... His Heart Scribe Inspirations -- March / April 2014 Hi friends, Ethan has been feeling good. It's been cold, so we have been keeping warm, safe inside. Lots of sickness and germs going around so we thank all those who are sending hellos from a distance. We can't wait to play with friends again soon! Hello from Ethan and all of us ! So I usually try to keep little updates, and I don't usually get to deep. I don't want people to leave the page, or just think I'm looking for sympathy, because I'm not... To be honest, sometimes I just can't. Even when things are going well, it still swells over me and takes my breath completely away that my baby is battling cancer. I think along with my light hearted posts and cancer awareness memes, I will also post RAW TRUTHS when you are dealing with cancer... so watch out for that. RAW TRUTH #1 … Cancer has turned me (his mother, and his dad falls into this too) into a complete basket case when going into public. Someone sneezes or coughs just about does me in. I see posts about the flu, or even friends across the miles who are sick, makes me completely panic. I work on this anxiety daily, it's not easy. I pray about it and trust Jesus, just have a hard time trusting everyone else who goes out into public sick. One small cold has left us in the hospital in isolation... it's not fun. I used to be super carefree, treated the family with grandma's home remedies, and now I can't go anywhere without being completely obsessive about germs. (Sara Beth Paredes)