15 ... His Heart Scribe Inspirations -- March / April 2014
(Continued from page 7-Bulletproof)
. . .A few days ago, early in the morning
when my husband and I were chatting,
GOD was very present and speaking. He
showed us a compass as a reminder that
HE is our direction. He showed us a gold
course and reminded us lovingly that with
HIM, we always get a hole in ONE. The
ONE who created us and LOVES us, regardless of the ODDS of the world, will
prevail every single time. No matter how it
seems, HE and HIS LOVE NEVER ever
. . .God revealed that part of this, is the
process of becoming bulletproof in GOD.
He didn’t take Sarah Beth away. She chose
to go. I mean, who could blame her? I
have many times kicked myself for not going with her. But, if I had, it would have
been defying GOD. We need to really SEE
the hurting. Those who are carrying heavy
burdens and pain. In fact, GOD says, “who
will bind up the wounded?” Someone
mentioned to me that this year is ALL
about SOULS. I don’t dispute that. But,
would also add this year is ALL about
healing and FREEDOM as we WALK in
deliverance through HIS LOVE.
. . .Part of the process of GOD saving a
soul is compassion. Without that, people
whom GOD loves and created do NOT receive the truth. They choose to worship
their wounds, because no one has told
them not to. It does not matter how HIGH
up God puts us, we must always stay humbled before HIM. Being bulletproof is
something that happens when constant
and consistent surrender continues to be
put in practice, unto our awesome GOD.
. . .Many people are scared of bullets, of
canons, of bombs, earthquakes and disasters that are natural according to the
world yet supernatural to GOD. Yet, we
should not be. We are both DEAD and
ALIVE. The enemy cannot kill us if we are
in Christ, harbored in HIM not as a fugitive but as a captive who has been set
FREE. We should come to a place where
our faith in HIS abilities far exceeds any
amount of FEAR that WE can FEEL or
that can be put on us.
. . .Yet, here is the question. What will it
take to get us there? Long ago, He showed
us that it takes, whatever it takes. He reminded me recently after coming out of
the darkness that He apologized to me in
2011. God, my father, brother and Heavenly everything said sorry to me. He said,
“If there was any other way, around the
pain, suffering and agony we would have
taken it together.” These words ring out to
me. They are a CALL out of the darkness.
When the enemy points his guns at us, or
provokes us to spiritually throw stones at
each other, we must seek God’s FACE.
Every single time, when we DO, the LORD
Roars on our behalf, and the enemy’s
plans come crashing down in defeat. For
GOD alone gets the VICTORY and GLORY.
. . .Does this mean we will never fall for an
enemy plot? NO! What it means is simply
this-- God’s GRACE is sufficient. In that
place where it feels like we have fallen far(Continued on page 19)