March Issue 2014 March Issue 2014 | Page 12

12 ... His Heart Scribe Inspirations -- March / April 2014 Signs of False Modern-Day, "End Times" Prophets Anyone remember the story of "Chicken Little?" As I recall, an apple fell on Chicken Little's head and she believed the sky was falling. She took it upon herself to make a trip to warn the king that the world was going to end and, in the process, convinced some of her friends that the sky was falling, as well. In their haste and fervor to promote their message - which had no basis in fact they wound up beguiled by a sly fox who led them right into his den...and they became his dinner. The story of Chicken Little holds a message in it for us, today, that I think we'd rather not embrace. It is, however, a simple message: don't be misled by wrong information, because it will lead you straight into trouble. More and more, I am meeting an abundance of "Chicken Littles." They are people running around on the internet, claiming to be prophets and prophetesses, who have false information and will hear no truth to the contrary. If you reject their message, you are met with hostility and questions to your own call. They say nothing Biblical, they don't know the first thing about prophecy, but here and there they go, flooding inboxes with scare tactics and (Continued on page 18)