• Xylitol ( also known as Birch Sugar ): Commonly found in sugar-free gum , candies , diet foods , some baked goods , even toothpaste . Xylitol can cause a rapid release of insulin in pets , leading to hypoglycemia , seizures , and liver failure . Early symptoms include vomiting , lethargy , seizures , and coordination problems . Liver failure can happen within just a few days .
• Onions , Garlic , Leeks : Many people know these can be toxic to dogs and cats , but might not realize it includes all forms , including powdered , raw , cooked , or dehydrated . There ' s even onion powder in some baby food . They can damage a pet ’ s red blood cells , causing anemia . Eating a lot just once can cause poisoning . Look for signs like weakness , vomiting , and breathing problems .
• Caffeine : Watch out for coffee and tea , even the beans and the grounds . Also keep your dog away from cocoa , chocolate , colas , and energy drinks . Caffeine can also be found in some cold medicines and pain killers . If you think your dog ingested caffeine , get to a vet as soon as possible . Caffeine can cause restlessness , rapid breathing , heart palpitations , and even death in severe cases .
• Bones : Cooked bones , especially those from poultry , can splinter and cause choking , blockages , or punctures in the digestive tract . It ’ s best to avoid giving pets bones altogether . Fat trimmings from meat , both cooked and uncooked , can cause pancreatitis in dogs .
• Alcohol : Even small amounts of alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning in pets . It can cause vomiting , diarrhea , difficulty breathing , coma , and death .
• Grapes and Raisins : These can cause kidney failure in dogs and , in some cases , cats .
• Fruit Pits and Seeds : Many fruits , such as cherries , apricots , and peaches , contain pits or seeds that can be toxic if ingested . These can obstruct the digestive tract . Peach and plum pits also have cyanide , which is poisonous to both people and dogs .
• Avocado : Avocado contains a substance called persin , which can be toxic to many animals , including dogs , cats , and birds . It can cause stomach upset , breathing difficulties , and fluid accumulation around the heart .
• Raw Dough : Raw bread dough that contains yeast can expand in a pet ’ s stomach , causing bloating and potentially dangerous levels of alcohol production in the dough .
• Mushrooms : Not all mushrooms are toxic . It can be difficult , though , to differentiate between safe and poisonous varieties , so it ’ s best to avoid giving your pets any mushrooms .
• Nuts : Certain nuts , like macadamia and black walnuts , can be toxic to dogs and cause symptoms such as weakness , tremors , even paralysis .
• Salt : It ’ s not a good idea to share salty snacks like chips or pretzels with your pet . Excessive salt intake can lead to sodium ion poisoning . Symptoms of too much salt include vomiting , diarrhea , depression , tremors , high temperature , and seizures . It may even cause death .
• Fatty Foods : High-fat foods like bacon and fried items can cause pancreatitis in pets , which is a painful and potentially life-threatening condition .
• Cherry Tomatoes : Ripe tomatoes in small amounts are generally safe for pets , but unripe or green tomatoes contain solanine , which can be toxic .
• Raw Eggs : Some people feed their dogs a " raw diet " that includes uncooked eggs . There is , however , a chance of food poisoning from bacteria like salmonella or E . coli when your pet consumes raw food .
• Large amounts of Baking Products / Spices : Baking powder and baking soda are both highly toxic , as are large amounts of nutmeg and other spices .
March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month
Pets are family . We would never knowingly harm them . But no matter how careful we are , there could be danger lurking in seemingly innocent things we do , like giving them snacks or a taste of your favorite dish . Here are some foods that are toxic to your pets that you might not be aware of :
• Xylitol ( also known as Birch Sugar ): Commonly found in sugar-free gum , candies , diet foods , some baked goods , even toothpaste . Xylitol can cause a rapid release of insulin in pets , leading to hypoglycemia , seizures , and liver failure . Early symptoms include vomiting , lethargy , seizures , and coordination problems . Liver failure can happen within just a few days .
• Onions , Garlic , Leeks : Many people know these can be toxic to dogs and cats , but might not realize it includes all forms , including powdered , raw , cooked , or dehydrated . There ' s even onion powder in some baby food . They can damage a pet ’ s red blood cells , causing anemia . Eating a lot just once can cause poisoning . Look for signs like weakness , vomiting , and breathing problems .
• Caffeine : Watch out for coffee and tea , even the beans and the grounds . Also keep your dog away from cocoa , chocolate , colas , and energy drinks . Caffeine can also be found in some cold medicines and pain killers . If you think your dog ingested caffeine , get to a vet as soon as possible . Caffeine can cause restlessness , rapid breathing , heart palpitations , and even death in severe cases .
• Bones : Cooked bones , especially those from poultry , can splinter and cause choking , blockages , or punctures in the digestive tract . It ’ s best to avoid giving pets bones altogether . Fat trimmings from meat , both cooked and uncooked , can cause pancreatitis in dogs .
• Alcohol : Even small amounts of alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning in pets . It can cause vomiting , diarrhea , difficulty breathing , coma , and death .
• Grapes and Raisins : These can cause kidney failure in dogs and , in some cases , cats .
• Fruit Pits and Seeds : Many fruits , such as cherries , apricots , and peaches , contain pits or seeds that can be toxic if ingested . These can obstruct the digestive tract . Peach and plum pits also have cyanide , which is poisonous to both people and dogs .
• Avocado : Avocado contains a substance called persin , which can be toxic to many animals , including dogs , cats , and birds . It can cause stomach upset , breathing difficulties , and fluid accumulation around the heart .
• Raw Dough : Raw bread dough that contains yeast can expand in a pet ’ s stomach , causing bloating and potentially dangerous levels of alcohol production in the dough .
• Mushrooms : Not all mushrooms are toxic . It can be difficult , though , to differentiate between safe and poisonous varieties , so it ’ s best to avoid giving your pets any mushrooms .
• Nuts : Certain nuts , like macadamia and black walnuts , can be toxic to dogs and cause symptoms such as weakness , tremors , even paralysis .
• Salt : It ’ s not a good idea to share salty snacks like chips or pretzels with your pet . Excessive salt intake can lead to sodium ion poisoning . Symptoms of too much salt include vomiting , diarrhea , depression , tremors , high temperature , and seizures . It may even cause death .
• Fatty Foods : High-fat foods like bacon and fried items can cause pancreatitis in pets , which is a painful and potentially life-threatening condition .
• Cherry Tomatoes : Ripe tomatoes in small amounts are generally safe for pets , but unripe or green tomatoes contain solanine , which can be toxic .
• Raw Eggs : Some people feed their dogs a " raw diet " that includes uncooked eggs . There is , however , a chance of food poisoning from bacteria like salmonella or E . coli when your pet consumes raw food .
• Large amounts of Baking Products / Spices : Baking powder and baking soda are both highly toxic , as are large amounts of nutmeg and other spices .
If you suspect your pet has ingested something harmful or if they are exhibiting abnormal behavior or symptoms , contact your veterinarian or an emergency animal hospital immediately . Prompt action can mean the difference between life and death . Be prepared to provide information about your pet ’ s age , breed , weight , substance ingested , and any symptoms they ' re experiencing . If a vet is not available , call the
Poison Control Hotline - ( 888 ) 426-4435 .
Pawsitively Pets -- March