March 2024 March 2024 | Page 6

Roisom reflects on high school coaching career , role in Charbonneau
6 March 2024 Pamplin Media Group

Charbonneau res�ent wins


Roisom reflects on high school coaching career , role in Charbonneau

By COREY BUCHANAN Pamplin Media Group

When filling out the form required to apply for the coach of the year award , Charbonneau resident Donna Roisom , 68 , left some spots blank . She had never really thought about things like how many wins her teams had in her career . What mattered more to her was the values she instilled and the growth she helped spur .

Due to her omissions and the enormity of the award , Roisom — a Charbonneau tennis and pickleball pro who coached at Grant High School and other Portland metro area schools for 36 years until retiring from coaching at the high school level recently — was shocked when she found out she was named the national tennis coach of the year by the Coaches Association of the National Federation of State High School Associations .
“ I was like ‘ What ?’ I read it three-to-four times . I always heard about it and never thought about it . I was really quite honored to have such an award ,” she said .
Roisom was a standout athlete in her youth , playing volleyball , basketball and tennis at Franklin High School in Portland before competing in tennis at Lewis & Clark College and eventually becoming the 13th recipient of the Lewis & Clark Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement and Leadership Award .
Roisom called her basketball coach at Franklin immediately after she won the coach of the year award .
Donna Roisom has enjoyed teaching tennis players in Charbonneau .
“ The award has a lot to do with molding my style after other people — the players I ’ ve had , the parents who have supported the programs I ’ ve been in ,” Roisom said . “ I called my coach , told her I received it because of her influence in my life . The most touching thing for me when I got it was when she teared up because of how touched she was that I did get that award .”
Her coaching style consists of trying to instill values like hard work , being the best player you can be and not comparing yourself to others .
“ My emphasis on lifelong learning situations for kids is to learn teamwork , sportsmanship , etiquette , how to work with others , to be the best player and person they can be . Don ’ t measure yourself up to someone else ; just work on your own individual skills ,” she said .
Roisom coached at St . Mary ’ s Academy , Catlin Gabel School and Valley Catholic High School before moving to Grant High . She was especially proud when her team won the sportsmanship award in 1990 .
Throughout her career , Roisom usually helped send at least one player to the state championships each year with six Grant athletes reaching the state tournament in her final season as coach . Roisom keeps tabs on her athletes after they graduate and expressed pride that a few are currently playing collegiate tennis .
“ Our whole team bonded together so well and the kids after matches and practices would go out to dinner together or get it delivered to Grant . They were very supportive of each other . I ( made ) them stay the entire match to watch each other and there was never a question of that . They always wanted to support each other ,” Roisom said .
Roisom moved to Charbonneau three years ago and was later asked to help out at the tennis
Donna Roisom instructs a player at the Charbonneau Tennis Club .
center . Since then , her role has expanded . “ I love it . The people here are great to work with ,” she said .
Roisom recently resigned from coaching Grant and will focus her efforts on building up the tennis and pickleball programs in Charbonneau . She is especially excited for the expansion at the center , which will increase the number of tennis and pickleball courts . Here , Roisom conducts individual lessons , group lessons and runs other tennis and pickleball classes .
She described the Charbonneau center as a hidden gem due to the low cost of membership and its amenities and recommended trying out either pickleball or tennis as a way to socialize , get exercise , improve your health and tackle a new challenge .
And you can find Roisom on the tennis court herself — she is a part of a number of United States Tennis Association teams .
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