March 2024 March 2024 | Page 20

Solitary solo life has its plusses and minuses
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20 March 2024 Pamplin Media Group

Solo Sisters


Solitary solo life has its plusses and minuses

Recently , I was enjoying happy hour at Langdon Farms with some friends from Solo Sisters , and the conversation turned to “ What are the pros and cons of living as a single ?” Actually , I steered the conversation in that
FERGUSON direction hoping for help with
this column ! My intent in asking the question was not to bash men ( we tend to do that sometimes ), but I wanted to hear opinions on the pros and cons of life as a single .
Some of the pros were pretty straight forward and simple , like there ’ s no fighting over who gets the shower first , the toilet seat is always down and I ’ m in charge of the remote ! Another popular pro was , no one tells me what to do . For instance , when I moved to Charbonneau , I got to choose my new home , choose the decorations and paint colors and I even chose my new 4WD automobile . One of my favorite pros was getting to eat what I want , when I want . I just wish I could develop the willpower to lay off the potato chips ! We also decided that there was no shortage of things to do as a single . For instance , we could play golf , tennis or pickleball or we could play bridge , Mah Jongg or Pitch . All of these things we could do based on our own likes and dislikes without regard to someone else ’ s wishes or schedule . And fortunately for us singles , there are many women in Charbonneau to enjoy these activities with . Solo Sisters has about 50 active members with diverse interests and hobbies . It ’ s a wonderful resource for friendship and companionship , a games buddy or a travel buddy .
Ok , to be fair , we did come up with a few cons to the single life , during that happy hour at Langdon . For instance , when traveling , we sometimes find ourselves paying a single supplement in order to enjoy a good night ’ s sleep and not have to be assigned a room with a stranger . The recent ice storm made some of us wish we had a spouse around to shovel driveways and walkways . We would all like to be married to a handyman to handle the “ little ” things around the house , like leaky faucets , hanging Christmas lights , or building new , lower garage shelves for easy access to our things . And wouldn ’ t it be nice , on the spur of the moment , to be able to drop everything and go out to dinner or a movie , simply by saying to the person you share your life with “ Let ’ s go !” My sister and her wife do that all the time and I do envy them that ability .
If you are a single woman , living in Charbonneau , and you are looking for friends to do things with , try Solo Sisters . Contact Deanna Morgan at deannamorgan @ gmail . com , and she will be happy to send you information about our group .
Oops , darn , I need help ! Is there anyone out there who can open this jar of olives for me . This solitary life does have its drawbacks !

Gift shop is hidden gem

By TED MAST Charbonneau resident
There is a little hidden gem of a gift shop located right here in SpringRidge Court in Charbonneau . Known simply as The Gift Shop , it is a little snack spot and craft market rolled into one . Diane Newlin , the activities and program director at SpringRidge Court , manages the store . You will find items with two colored price-tags in the store . An orange tag is attached to the food and sundry items that Diane buys . White tags are on the handmade and donated items the shop receives . Gayle Inman is in her 15th year of volunteering at the shop and she is a big help in organizing this section .
There is an important distinction in keeping the two divisions separate . All profits from the craft and donation side go to funding scholarships to deserving employees at SpringRidge Court . This program gave out one scholarship in 2022 , three in 2023 and the goal is to do at least three in 2024 . Two recipients last year were high school seniors working in the dining room and the other went to a medical tech who is putting his towards his nursing school training .
The shop is open Monday through Friday from 10 a . m . to 3 p . m . and staffed by volunteers working a two-and-a-half
The shop is open Monday through Friday from 10 a . m . to 3 p . m .
hour shift . Diane said they would love to be open on Saturday as weekends are a busy time for the residents ’ family members coming to visit , but currently there are not enough volunteers to staff the store . They are in need of people willing to help out on any day of the week .
By the time you read this the Valentine display will be sold or packed away and Easter will be in full swing . Stop by some day to check it out and , if you come on a Friday , Gayle will be there . It is heartwarming to see the rapport she has built with the residents in her 15 years of service .


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