March 2024 March 2024 | Page 2

2 March 2024 Pamplin Media Group

CCC President ’ s Corner


Learn about board member Glenn Lancaster

The daffodils and tulips have begun to pop up , showing their vibrant colors , and the trees are beginning to show their buds . The forecast says we
SHEVLIN will get more rain , but spring is definitely in the air . Early spring is such a lovely time in Charbonneau , as we emerge from our winter weather and get a hint of sunshine and warmer days . Those of us who are early risers have been blessed with some stunning sunrises of late , and the daylight lingers a little while longer into the early evening .
Springtime brings life to our community as well . The golf course is getting busier most days . The doors to the Activity Center and Clubhouse seem in constant motion as we come and go to classes , card games , a friendly game of billiards or coffee with friends . Be sure to check out our Charbonneau website at charbonneaucountryclub . com to find out what ’ s new ‘ round town . Also check out what your Charbonneau Country Club Board of Directors is up to . In March , directors will be establishing board goals for 2024-25 . These goals are developed from direct feedback from our residents at board meetings , through community-wide surveys and from projects dictated by our annual reserve budget .
The remainder of this month ’ s article will highlight CCC board director Glenn Lancaster , who joined the board in 2023 . Glenn and his wife Anna grew up in New Jersey , near New York City . In 1991 , Glenn accepted a regional sales job and he and Anna moved across the country to
Tualatin , where they set down roots and remained for 27 years . There , they raised two sons ; Daniel is now a Washington County Sheriff ’ s Office deputy , and Philip is a United States Marine Corps staff sergeant . They are also blessed with granddaughter Maylee ( 6 ).
Glenn spent his entire career of 40-some-odd years in the electric utility industry , both domestically and internationally . He and Anna moved to Charbonneau in 2019 , and after a short period of time owning his own business , Glenn sold it and retired in 2020 . He enjoys golf , wood-working , tinkering with electronics , computer hardware and software systems . He is a self-described geek , and enjoys working around the house on various projects . Anna is an artist who has displayed her work at the Charbonneau Arts Festival .
Since retirement , Glenn has learned that he desires to continue to serve people in some role . He is active in local civic matters , and his post on the CCC board has given him the opportunity to learn about the people in his community and to find ways to be of service . Glenn says “ I love where I live and love learning while I am doing things .”
During his international travels , Glenn took a tour of the Sphinx and the great pyramid at the Giza Plateau near Cairo Egypt while riding a camel . He has been in a snow storm in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia in the summer and he flew on the Concorde supersonic transport at 57,000 feet from New York to London in 3.5 hours .
Glenn currently serves on the CCC Board as the liaison to the Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety Committee . Glenn has also been busy collecting signatures for a petition to require the issue of tolling I-5 and I-205 to be put to a vote of the Oregon citizens on the November 2024 ballot . We are grateful for his service and commitment to making Charbonneau a safe place to live . If you are interested , you may contact Glenn to sign the petition , or learn how to collect more signatures to help the cause at glenn @ charbonneaucountryclub . com .

Charbonneau Golf Club


Golf is an ageless game

“ Golf caters to the senior player more than any other sport . There is no age limit , and the handicap system allows an ongoing and organized competition .” It is a great way to remain both active and socially engaged
BRAY throughout one ’ s life .
I , along with 150-plus members of the Charbonneau community , recently attended a celebration of life gathering for Don Fish , who passed away on Jan . 3 , a month and a half shy of his 91st birthday . Don was an avid golfer right up to the end of his life , and told anyone who would listen that living in Charbonneau and playing golf here added years to his life . As was noted by all his family , friends and acquaintances ; Don ’ s most outstanding characteristic was that he seemed to always be smiling . He enjoyed his life , and golf played a significant role in that enjoyment .
When I first learned of Don ’ s passing , I couldn ’ t help but reflect on the 10 years that I knew him and the times we played golf together . It also caused me to think about some of our other nonagenarian golfers who I have had the pleasure to golf with at Charbonneau : Alan Southwell , Carl Hanacek , and Jerry Zeller . These guys are all amazing . When I first moved to Charbonneau in 2013 , newly retired and at the spry age of 63 , I must admit that I wondered how much fun it would be to play golf with “ elderly ” people . Oh , the ignorance of youth . I soon learned that my elders were competitive , fun to be around and had a real joy for life . Not only that , when I was teamed with them in a golf game , I always seemed to be in the money . When I was the competition , not so much . With such a high percentage of people in the Charbonneau community either retired or semi-retired , I found that people no longer had to worry about who you thought they were but could just relax and be their real selves . We moved from competing in life to enjoying it .
The game of golf brings people of all ages together . I golf with friends who range in age from their teens to their nineties . Golf is inclusive . Golf provides a venue for recreation , enduring friendships and lasting memories . How lucky we are that we live on a golf course that really caters to all ages and abilities . I thank my older friends for showing me that , by embracing our age instead of complaining about it , we set ourselves up to make the most out of our time here on planet earth . To quote Mark Twain “ Age is an issue of mind over matter . If you don ’ t mind , it doesn ’ t matter .”
RIP Don . You will be greatly missed by our golf community . Thanks for the memories .
Quote taken from an article published by the Hospital for Special Surgery , Senior Golf and the Effects of Aging , Nov 2009
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Kstephens @ pamplinmedia . com
( 503 ) 479-2378
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A Publishing Partnership ...
The Charbonneau Villager is a joint publishing partnership between the Charbonneau County Club and the Pamplin Media Group .
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Jesse Marichalar Jessem @ Pamplinmedia . com | 971-204-7774
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