March 2024 Healthcare Hygiene magazine March 2024 | Page 20

Addressing Challenges in the U . S . Healthcare Sector : A Comprehensive Approach


The healthcare sector in the United States is grappling with a multitude of challenges .

These range from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic , staffing shortages , and financial difficulties , to the need for effective personal protective equipment ( PPE ). However , solutions are being developed and implemented to address these immediate challenges while also laying the groundwork for long-term improvements in the sector . Implementing these solutions will require collaboration among healthcare providers , policymakers , and other stakeholders . 1-3
Here are some key points :
Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) in Healthcare Settings The U . S . government , particularly the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
( OSHA ), regulates the use of PPE in healthcare settings . 4
Reusable vs Disposable PPE
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in purchases of disposable PPE by current users due to anticipated and actual shortages encountered by supply chains . Healthcare facilitie began to purchase PPE from any available sources and stockpile PPE to levels far beyond their historic par levels . 5 Due to shortages of PPE during surge capacity situations , such as the current COVID-19 pandemic , the CDC recommends washable cloth isolation gowns be used . Multiple-use gowns are superior from an environmental perspective , as well as , from a protection and durability standpoint . Reusable gowns provide greater water resistance , strength , and pilling resistance than disposable gowns . Industrial laundering does not negatively affect the protection or performance of reusable gowns across the expected service lifespan .. 5
Regulations on PPE
All manufactured PPE must meet strict technical standards , and its use in healthcare settings is regulated by infection prevention and control guidelines . 6 OSHA has standards addressing apparel and footwear hazards in the general industry . 6
Decontamination and Reuse of PPE
Given the widespread shortages of PPE , temporary solutions involving extended use , reuse , and reprocessing of PPE have been considered . 7 OSHA , CDC , and other U . S . government entities have provided guidance on PPE reuse and extended use . 7
Executive Order on Protecting Worker Health and Safety An executive order was issued in 2021 to protect the health and safety of workers
20 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com • march 2024