hile the rise of the internet forever changed the way people communicate , we couldn ’ t get enough of the “ Friends ” theme song , sugary cereal mascots and Bill Clinton ’ s scandalous exploits ( we ’ ll also never look at a white Bronco the same way again — thanks O . J .). Meanwhile in Rhode Island , Providence Place opened its doors and brazen politicians gained notoriety : We saw the end of Joe Paolino ’ s term as mayor of Providence followed by an unsuccessful gubernatorial campaign and his refocus on real estate ; the rise of Governor Bruce Sundlun and the decade-long comeback of Mayor Vincent “ Buddy ” Cianci before prison came calling . Rhode Island Monthly also chronicled how Joe Mollicone triggered the banking crisis and followed forty-eight hours in Rhode Island through the eyes of local photographers . It was the best of times , it was the worst of times , and we documented it all along the way .
May 1996 : “ Rocky Point ’ s Final Ride ” Visitors enjoyed Rocky Point , Rhode Island ’ s beloved amusement park , for the last time in 1996 .
October 1995 : We caught up with everyone ’ s favorite Channel 10 news anchor , the late Doug White , who looked right at home behind the grill .
April 1991 : In a bit of April Fool ’ s satire , we featured a fake Joe Mollicone on the cover in his “ secret hideaway .” The real Mollicone , who triggered the 1990 RISDIC crisis , turned himself in to authorities in mid-April 1992 , after hiding out for eighteen months in Utah .
March 1996 : Surf ’ s Up ! Rhode Island Monthly ’ s new and revolutionary website — radical !
August 1996 : “ Heartthrob ” Buddy Cianci appeared on our cover several times for his foibles , including for the Rhode Island Red Awards in January 1992 and the cover of our Best of Rhode Island issue in August 1996 , where Cianci was voted the person residents most wanted to date . We even held a contest to win a dream date with Buddy , complete with a limo and dinner for two .