March 2023 | Page 30

CityState : Out Takes l Photography by Mike Braca

Mary-Kate O ’ Leary , David Nuttall
Celeste Victoria , Jeff Massey
Melissa and Patrick Pauline , Jeap and Gen Phomsoupha
Paula , Mark and Karen Leach Frank and Colleen Duffy
Chris and Meggan Bailey , Tarra and Alan Ferrara
David Bacon , Chuck Davidson
Nicole and Nick Adamo

Wishes Granted

A Wish Come True , an organization dedicated to granting wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions , celebrated its fortieth anniversary with 430 guests at the WaterFire Arts Center . The band RugBurn provided the soundtrack for the evening , and Providence College men ’ s basketball coach Ed Cooley and athletic director Steve Napolillo led a live auction that raised more than $ 125,000 to support the Wish Kids and their families during challenging and traumatic times . — KATE AYERS
Dede and Peter Moubayed
Annie Rightmire , Amy Pignataro , Denise Lopez
Moses and Ashley Fortes , Evanisio Oliveira