26 - March - 2023 www . wsca . org From the Committees
501 ( c )( 3 )
“ The purpose of this organization is to support the mission of the Western Saddle Clubs Association while enriching and diversifying the equine community through charitable pursuits focusing on youth , education and the underprivileged .”
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man .
-Winston Churchill
Steven Tibbetts , President 612.750.0023 | steve . kickson66 @ yahoo . com
Kevin Berger , Vice President 612.282.3514 | kevin . bergerinteriors @ gmail . com
Amy Schneider , Treasurer amyrschneider @ yahoo . com
Lynn-Ellen St . Martin , Secretary lestmartin @ aol . com
Rachel Duenow , Marketing rachelduenow @ yahoo . com