March 2023 Newsletter | Page 14

Social Groups

Mahjongg Group

Mondays at 1:15pm Outside Terrace Newcomers Welcome , Drop-In !

Game Night

Game night in the Card Room on Tuesday , March 28 at 6:00pm


Saturday Ride
Any road cyclists that live at Sarasota National or visitors that enjoy fast group rides are invited to join a local Saturday morning ride . Most Saturday mornings we roll out the front gate at 8:00 AM and join up with other local cyclists at the intersection of Jackson /( Rockley ) and Center roads . The average speed of this group is 18 mph for a distance of 30 - 45 miles on local roads . To enjoy this ride you need to be comfortable riding safely in a tight pace line , able to pull at the front at least 18 mph and be comfortable sitting in at 20 – 22 + mph . For more information about this ride or other local rides contact Peter at fastrider46 @ comcast . net
Weekday Morning Ride
Sarasota National also has a moderate cycling group . We ride approximately 8-10 miles each morning within SN at approximately 14 miles per hour . A very sociable group . If you are interested in joining us , contact Bill Howell 941-525-0851 or Bob Disinger 812-639-4833 . *** No worries if you don ’ t want to ride 8-10 miles or if you want to ride slower or faster . Our group is basically ride at your own pace ***** Come join us !!!!!!