Ask Greta
Dear Greta ,
I am 56 years old and am being forced out of my job . I have 25 years of service to the company . I know it ' s because they want to hire employees at lower salaries , and with less built-in benefits . I am not ready for retirement , as I ' m still young and productive . The legalities are such that I could stay . If I do , though , the powers that be will make it so miserable for me , I won ' t want to stay . So , you see , I really have no choice . I am scared . I feel I ' m much too young to have to live on a fixed income . And at my age , I ' m not even eligible for whatever meager money I might get from Social Security . Because of all this , I ' ve been increasingly down and irritable . My wife is having a hard time dealing with me , but I can ' t help it . Do you have any suggestions for someone who is being forced to become old before his time ?
- Weary
Dear Weary ,
First of all , you need help for your depression . Please contact a counselor . This should not make you feel bad about yourself . It merely means you are going through a rough time right now and need some help to deal with it . At 56 , you are young by today ' s standards , and you don ' t have to retire at all . It is not too late to start a second career , even one totally unrelated from the field you ' re in now . Think about what interests you and then look into possibilities connected to those interests . You might even want to pursue some adult education courses to that end . This , in itself , can open up a whole new world to you . Good luck !
Mail your questions to Greta at : “ Good News ” P . O . Box 99 , Avis , PA 17721 , or email them to : bearcountrygoodnews @ gmail . com .
Thought For The Day
" When we tune out the opinions , expectations , and obligations of the world around us , we begin to hear ourselves ."
- Jay Shetty
Silly Snapshots
There are Two Kinds of People
in this world ....
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