MARCH 2023 BAR BULLETIN MARCH 2023 | Page 23

The Palm Beach County Bar Association ’ s Technology Committee presents :
Ethical Landmines in Lawyers ' Use of Technology
Wednesday , March 15 th 11:50 a . m . – 1:30 p . m .
This CLE will look at some of the technology initially adopted by attorneys and courts in response to the pandemic , and still in use . It will explore the ethical issues that may arise when one wanders into unexplored tech terrain without the proper guidance . Issues such as maintaining confidentiality of information , increasing the security of communication , and what measures constitute diligence and reasonable efforts on the part of a lawyer will be discussed using some ripped from the headline ’ s examples .
Christopher Hopkins , Esq McDonald Hopkins
11:50 a . m . - Christopher B . Hopkins : Introduction of Speakers and Sponsors
12:00 p . m . Christopher B . Hopkins : Historical Context of Legal Profession and Technology ( Rules Reg . Fla . Bar 4-1.1 ; 4-1.3 , 4-1.4 , and 4-1.6
Issues Working Remotely ( Rules Reg . Fla . Bar 4-1.1 ; 4-1.6 ; ABA Cybersecurity Handbook ; various ABA , FL , and NY opinions )
12:30 p . m . - Jan Jacobowitz : Zoom - Clients , Court Appearances , Ethics , Outsourcing , and Professionalism ( Rules 4-1.1 ; 4-1.2 ; 4-1.4 ; 4-1.6 ; and 4-5.3 and various ABA opinions )
Artificial Intelligence – Ethics and Professionalism ( Rules 4-1.1 ; 4-1.2 ; 4-1.4 ; 4-1.6 ; and 4-5.3 and various ABA opinions and law review articles )
1:00 p . m . - Brian L . Tannebaum : Cybersecurity ( Rules 4-1.1 ; 4-1.2 ; 4-1.4 ; 4-1.6 ; and 4-5.3 and various ABA opinions and articles ; Florida Bar Best Practices for Remote Court Proceedings )
Sponsored by :
Jan Jacobowitz , Esq . Legal Ethics Advisor Consulting Firm
Brian L . Tannebaum , Esq . Brian L . Tannebaum , P . A .
This course has been approved by the Florida Bar to receive 2.0 General Credits and 2.0 Credits in Ethics and Technology . Early Bird Registration fee is $ 60.00 Regular PBCBA members , $ 100 non-PBCBA members , $ 25.00 Government Member Attorneys and Paralegals . Add $ 10 After 3.14.23 . Complimentary to the Judiciary .